DownloadLatest Version: 3.3.0Get a License

- Feature: Added Ukranian and Italian Languages
- Feature: tabs - You can now add additional folders to a portal by enabling tabs in the portal from the portal menu.
- Feature: added Home button to in-portal navigation to return to the root folder.
- Feature: Added F5 key to refresh
- Feature: Added ability to overwrite an existing display setup
- Fix: better multi-monitor support - Portals should behave better when using multiple monitors with different scaling values.
- Fix: Details view 'Name' column no longer dissapears when 'File Size' column is hidden.
- Fix: Made column order consistent across display setup, layout and home screens
- Fix: Fixed URL icons not fetching when the path contained a '='
- Fix: Added ability to overwrite existing exported settings
- Fix: Files now launch with the correct working directory
- Fix: Double click desktop icon/folder will not hide portals when desktop background is a slideshow
- Fix: Overlay setting now controls very small icons also

- BUGFIX: fixed issue with steam icons all taking the same icon.
- Added Turkish Language.

> Fixed some major memory issues 
 - fixed icons being leaked.
 - Portals now virtualize content out of the viewport, saving a load of memory usage.
> Fairly significant performance improvements.
 - Important Note: Icons without Thumnails (file previews on the icon itself) are now cached per file extension to save mempry and increase performance. This can be turned off in the settings if you need each file to have its icon specifically fetched (but will come with a performance hit - especially for portals with large amounts of files)
> Can now use explorer right click menu as default for folders/files.
 - Portal background right click menu being explorer is not possible yet... its more complicated.
> Explorer menu will now follow windows dark mode setting.
> Added further language options recently completed from Crowdin.
> Item margins and content margins can now be set individually for top, left, right, bottom.
> Dragging files over a shortcut to a folder will now add the files to tbe folder, instead of opening the folder in explorer.
> Icons for URL (and .website) files will fetch better.
> Implemented Single Click to Open

> Added German and French translations (unverified)
> Added ability to Navigate to subfolders within Portals
> Added ability for the user to choose the keyboard shortcuts for Peek and Show/Hide All Portals
> Added Details View (& Relevant Customizations)
> Added List View (& Relevant Customizations)
> Added ability to overwrite an existing layout.
> Fixed an issue where display setups were incorrectly matched to the current displays

- Added language support.
  Help translation on Crowdin and I will add them in future releases:
- Added Simplified Chinese and Spanish Translations - Both marked as unverified until someone QAs them in Crowdin.
- Added ability to cycle through files in a Portal using the keys the same as how windows explorer works.
- Added setting which when turned on will always bring the most recently mouse over'd Portal to the front of the Portal window order
- Added a better, more modern folder browser which allows path to be pasted and multi-folder selection. 
- Added ability to Drag files on top of executable files (bat, exe etc.)
- Added setting for adding a margin to the entire portal contents.
- Added "Folder Priority" to sorting, so you can still sort by Name etc. but choose to have folders first, last or no priority.
- Added "Restart Portals" button to taskbar icon.
- Added Help page to main window, linking to the Portals help site:

1. #136 - Close All Portals Not Working - FIXED
2. #135 - Incorrect icon for .URL files - FIXED (will show default browser icon)
3. #132 - Double Click Desktop Icon Hides Portals - FIXED
4. #48 - Quicklook/Seer Support Added as a Preview Feature
5. #105 - Added snapping to other portals as a Preview Feature
6. #144 - Fixed LNK extension not hiding due to case sensitivity issue
7. #141 - Fixed crash when clicking sort by "Ascending"
8. #140 - Added name of portal being customized to the Portal customize window
9. #139 - Added the name of the portal to the Portal already exists error.
10. #138 - Added info column to Layouts view to view the contents of the layout.
11. #137 - Added PREVIEW FEATURE for showing Icon Overlays
12. #145 - Added option to installer to not add the registry keys which add the options to the windows context menus
13. Fixed issue where the Layouts and Display Setups windows where opening behind the main window.
14. If fetching an icon for a file completely fails, portals will no longer crash but instead show a broken file icon.
15. Made the table header tooltips easier to show on hover & fixed some wrong tooltip contents
16. Fixed issue with Reset All Settings not working properly
17. #149 - main window not updating when renaming or changing the folder associated to a portal - FIXED
18. Made main window home table not sortable, since this table controls the window order of the portals via drag/drop.

1. Fixed issues with blurry icons at higher scaling settings 125%+
2. Brought back double click desktop to show/hide
3. Portals will keep their last expanded/minimized state on restart.
4. Added ability to change the associated folder of a Portal.
5. Added Keyboard shortcut for Edit Custom Sort order (CTRL+E, if custom sorting is enabled)
6. Some code fixes for specific crashes.


I have essentually overhauled the app to increase stability and performance.

> Removed bloaty material UI library
> Added Peek Function (CTRL+SHFT+SPACE to bring Portals to front)
> Added quick show/hide portals on desktop (CTRL+SHIFT+A)
> Added options to control item margin, spacing, text height etc.
> Better icon support - especially for Steam
> Added ability to Search a portal
> Added Display Name capability for Portals.
> Added support for using images as the background for Portals.
> Added ability to disable Drag/Drop
> Removed Relative Positioning (too bloaty and bearly worked) - replaced it with the ability to have layouts assigned to each of your display setups. The app will automatically detect display changes and can automatically switch between layouts.
> Added ability to switch release channel to Beta, to allow people to help with testing new versions.
> Added ability to export / import settings
> Added Full Reset capability
> Window order is now controlled by simply dragging/dropping on the main window table.

Thanks to everyone who submitted bug reports & feature requests on GitHub and via email!

Changelog (v2.1.0.6):
> Fixed Expand/Minimize caret color not following chosen color scheme.
> Added #54 - setting to enable Double-Click Desktop to show/hide all Portals. (Note: Desktop needs to be the active window i.e. double clicking the desktop behind another active window will not work).
> Added #42 - ability to have Portal specific icon sizes
> Fixed #49 - UAC Error - Portals won't crash, instead it will do nothing.
> Fixed #43 - Access Denied Error - Portals won't crash but throw a message instead.
> Added #56 - Enter key on selected icon will now Open it
> Added #38 - F2 key on selected item will activate rename.
> Fixed #39 - Right Click near edge of Portal Item will now show the correct menu.

Thanks to everyone who submitted bug reports & feature requests on GitHub and via email!

Changelog (v2.1.0.5):
> Installer and Exe are now signed with code signing certificates so warnings should go away while installing.
> Better support for display scaling when using relative positioning.
> Win+D - Portals should now not hide.
> ZIP files will now open with default program rather than Windows Explorer.
> Title can now be centered.
> Added optional animations for Portals Expanding/Minimizing (Off by default)
> Animation Ease and Duration can be set via settings.
> Added ability to open default windows context menu from item context menu (Send To... buttons don't seem to work though)
> Open File Location now opens Target location for .LNK files.
> Color Pickers no longer have Alpha channel in Hex codes.
> Added setting to allow Lock button to also lock the Title if one desires, so it can be clicked to expand/minimize.
> Added setting to disable items expanding to show their full file/folder name when selected.

> Titlebars can now be positioned on left/right of portals. (Currently rename of portal is only available on Top/Bottom titlebars).
> Added experimental feature allowing portals to expand/minimize when they are hovered over.
> You can now use relative positioning to position and size a portal relative to the screen width/height.
> New update window UI, with Auto-Update and Remind Me Later functions
> You can now drag files from Portals to other external applications.
> Deleting multiple files when Windows delete prompts are turned on will now only prompt once.
> Added Expand All/Minimize All portals button.
> Portal title text and menu button can now be hidden from the titlebar.
> Added ability to hide scrollbars on portals.
> Updated Settings UI with better grouping.> Fixed some bugs causing crashes.

> Additional fix for a crash when a Portal folder is being used by software that creates .tmp files.

In addition to v2.1.0.2 changes in case you missed them:
> Window Order - you can now choose the order of Portals (i.e. how they show on top of one another)
> Rounded Corners - Your Portals can now have rounded corners of customizable size.
> Borders - Your Portals can now have borders, with customizable color and thickness.
> Fixed a crash when a Portal folder is being used by software that creates .tmp files.
> Portals will no longer minimize when Win+D is pressed (Show Desktop)
> Popup color and transparency pickers now show UI updates in real time.

> Window Order - you can now choose the order of Portals (i.e. how they show on top of one another)
> Rounded Corners - Your Portals can now have rounded corners of customizable size.
> Borders - Your Portals can now have borders, with customizable color and thickness.
> Fixed a crash when a Portal folder is being used by software that creates .tmp files.
> Popup color and transparency pickers now show UI updates in real time.

> Layouts - you can now save layouts and switch between them.
> You can now use hex color codes (as well as the color picker) to set colors of everything.
> Added a setting allowing you to click anywhere on the titlebar to expand/minimize the portal.
> Added setting to remove the expand/minimize icon on the left of the titlebar.
> Added per portal option to completely hide the titlebar (it can be shown again from the main window or by right-clicking  the portal's background).
> Added the ability to change the titlebar's transparency.
> Better way of raising bug reports and feature requests using GitHub issues.
> Added setting to allow a portal to be moved around by dragging any background area of the portal.

> Portals now won't show when using Alt+Tab to cycle through open windows. The main Portals window will still show, if open.
> You now choose your own custom icon order.
> You can now choose to show/hide hidden files.
> You can choose to show hidden files with a transparency effect (if shown)
> Added crash logging.
> Some other small fixes.

> Added better update solution which allows 1 click update.
> Fixed issue with Windows folder context menu button where a space in the folder name would behave erratically.
> Fixed issues between x86 and x64 machines where the file properties window would show incorrect paths.
> Added option to apply dropshadow effect on both titlebar text and file/folder name text.
> Added option to change titlebar and file/folder name font, font size and font style.
> Reduced the width of the Lock/Unlock and Customize buttons on the titlebar so they take up less space (if you choose to have them shown)
> Added option to change the height of the titlebar to accommodate larger title font sizes.
> Added a manual "Check for Updates" button on the About screen.
> Added more options for icon size.
> Added an option to use a different icon retrieval method, depending on which one you like best.

> Added visibility property to portals to hide them from view. Controllable from Portal menu and Home screen.
> Added setting to allow a prompt before closing a portal (ON by default)
> Added a prompt after the Close All Portals button is clicked.
> Added a close button to the table of open portals on the home screen.
> Fixed regression in Show/Hide All Portals button.

> Added buttons on windows context menus for Folder and Desktop for creating Portals.
> When closing a portal, if the associated folder is empty, you will be prompted to delete the folder
> Selected sort order for a Portal now saves.
> Customize and Lock icons can how be hidden from the Titlebar and be shown in the portal menu instead (User option)
> Added global crash handling and a debug mode.

> Added launch on startup option
> Fixed issue where opening a file/folder with a comma in its name wouldn't work
> Added CTRL+A and DEL key support
> Saving of settings is more robust
> Added "Warn Before Deletion" option in settings.
> Fixed issue where starting without an internet connection caused a freeze.
> Main Settings window no longer launches every time Portals is started (Only on first launch).

> Added ability to drop dragged items on top of a folder within a portal and they will go into that folder.
> Added CTRL+C and CTRL+V support on portals.
> Fixed bug where foreground colors were not returning to default if override settings was unchecked.

> Some fixes to auto-minimize, added that it is an experimental feature

> Made thumbnail retrieval faster.

> Added ability to expand/minimize Portals.
> Adding settings option to Auto-minimize portals when focus from them is lost

> Added ability to change title bar and content area foreground colors. This will allow for light colored portals to be used with dark colored text and icons. 
> Improved icon retrieval, images will  now show previews and folder icons will preview contents
> Title bar can now be located at top or bottom of the portal.
> Added a manual refresh button to refresh portal contents.
> Added sort by creation date and file size.
> Selecting an item in a portal will now expand it to show its full name.

Help Translate Portals

Organize your desktop

Create folder portals to show the contents of folders on your desktop.


You control the size, position, color, icon size, sort order and transparency of all portals.


Portals can be minimized to make more efficient use of your desktop space.


Add multiple folders to the same Portals as tabs.

Easy to Use & Lightweight

Designed with simplicity in mind and extremely lightweight so not to impede your windows experience.